Tired of manually reaching out to potential buyers on Vinted?
Zipsales Vinted Offer add-on, is here to streamline your offers process and boost your sales potential. Our tool scans your Vinted Favourites, identifies interested customers, and sends a pre selected % discount directly to them.
Key features:
- You pick the discount: Set a discount that suits you
- Increased sales: Boost your revenue by reaching out to potential buyers faster.
- Time-saving: Focus on creating new listings while the add on sends offers in the background.
Our research indicates, that it might increase your sales by 10% within 1 week.
Sending offers automatically
To automate the process, enter a number into the box then click save. The tool will then auto scan and send offers every 6 hours. This automation can be removed at any time, and can be re added to adjust when needed.
Using the tool:
By selecting 'Offers' in the top right of your account you will find the new offers area.
After purchasing the add on, you can click to scan your Vinted account for likes.
Once the number of likes has been determined you can then select the offer % of your choice.
Once confirmed the offers will send in the background while you work on other things.
How often can i use the tool:
The Tool has no limits, you can send offers as much as you want, Vinted offers can be sent multiple times a day so keep this in mind when sending offers. You do not want to spam potential buyers with large volumes of offers each day.
Can i use Both offer tools together?
Yes! Both offer tools for Depop and Vinted can be used together at the same time, the processes of sending offers out happen on both platforms at the same time.
Can i unsubscribe at any time?
Yes, send Us a support request and we can set the subscription to end at the end of the current period.