Marketplace errors are the errors the marketplace returns to us when we attempt to list, delist or edit your items. These errors will pop up from time to time and can be easily resolved
ERROR - 'Failed to communicate'
ERROR - 'Failed to upload Photos'
To connect to your Vinted account we rely on your accounts cookies, Vinted will update these from time to time which will require a refresh to resolve this problem.
1) Go to Vinted and log out and back in,
2) In the Marketplace tab on Zipsale click disconnect then reconnect.
3) Click Refresh Auth next to the Vinted connection and the problem will be resolved.
(Note: if the problem is not resolved this would indicate an out of date Vinted Zipsale Google Chrome Plug in - Please remove and reinstall to resolve this - Link to the plug in can be found at the top of the marketplace tab )
The photo error indicated Vinted did not respond to our request at the time of the attempt, We upload images first so if it encounters any problems it will return a photo error. This one usually resolves itself if you attempt to list the item again it should work fine. If not please follow the reconnecting steps as above.
ERROR - 'Failed to upload Photos'
The photo error indicated Depop did not respond to our request at the time of the attempt, We upload images first hence the photo error being returned. This one usually resolves itself if you attempt to list the item again it should work fine. If not please Disconnect and reconnect Depop in the marketplace tab.
ERROR - 'Depop shipping policy error'
This error indicates you have recently changed to depop shipping rather than doing your own shipping. In order to update Zipsale please list an item and select the depop shipping profile and import it into your account. (You can delist the item after importing if needed so it can be a random item)
ERROR - Item not listed due to breach of policy or violation of seller rules
Most of the time when this error is reported it usually is a phrase in the description that triggers eBay's chat filters like 'Message us for discounts' - 'Ask for combined discounts' or the inclusion of Social media @s
We always recommend starting with the description, check and remove anything that may trigger ebays chat bot and try to list the item again.
If you get stuck please message us with the item title and we will be happy to work out the cause.
Please also ensure the title does not contain any VERO words, such as 'Velcro®' which is the brand name, the correct term is 'Hook and loop'